Ready To Roll | Ep 01 | A Climb, A Quest, A Quarrel | D&D

  Midsummer in the country of Kymond, a freshly formed band of adventurers head to a clandestine meeting on a remote hilltop. Amidst some ancient ruins they greet a noble from the nearby city of Elurinn who tasks them with a quest. What dangers lurk within the mysterious ruins? Will the journey end before it […]

Making Your NPCs Memorable

As a Dungeon Master (DM) you might be wondering, how do I make my NPCs memorable? Every game of D&D has players, and non player characters. You might have richly detailed NPCs with intense backstories and strong names like Ilithi Nox Vellani or throw away guards that you haven’t named (of course the party asks […]

Being a DM & Filmmaker

I was a guest on the lovely Hook & Chance podcast recently, to talk about packing like a Producer. You can listen to it here:   Since then, I’ve been reflecting on storytelling and tabletop gaming. Humans love to tell each other stories. Even more than that, we need to. It’s a key part of […]

Impact of TTRPGs on Mental Health & The Queer Community

Tabletop roleplaying games, known as TTRPGs, are a very influential form of escapism. Games like dungeons and dragons allow people to explore within a persona other than their own and with limits much farther than the world in front of them. This creates a perspective that if anything can be done in that world, the […]